Wednesday, March 16, 2016

X-Men: Apocalypse Footage Leaks Mere Hours Before Official Trailer Debuts.

Another day, another leak. Although we have a few hours to go before the latest trailer for X-Men: Apocalypse to debut, some footage of said trailer has managed to get out onto the wild.
Take a look.

Along with this new trailer, there is an all new picture of Olivia Munn sporting her Psylocke costume.

Image: Michael Muller

This new picture comes courtesy of whom also got a chance to interview Ms. Munn and snuck a question regarding Psylocke.

You play Psylocke in X-Men. Why did the role appeal to you?

I've loved Psylocke for so long. She's a really, really strong badass female character in this comic book world where a lot of times the women don't get to be strong and badass. You see a lot of superheroes [who] don't always want to kill, and they'll avoid it if they can. She's never had a problem killing, and i like that she was the bad guy that had no problem being the bad guy. She's telekinetic and telepathic so she can read your mind. She can create anything with her mind. To win any fights, she can just create a mountain and have it fall on you, but she chooses to create a sword so she can kill up close and personal. I always thought that was really cool and badass.

X-Men: Apocalypse is slated to release May 27, 2016.

Source: Twitter /


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